The events conducted across the nation on 8 April 2019 by animal activists demonstrated both their complete disregard for opinions or values other than their own, and their contempt for the concepts of privacy, property security, animal welfare and a livestock sector.

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The RSPCA is choosing to risk the health and safety of the entire meat poultry industry right across Australia with its current Accreditation (and proposed future replacement, Certification) scheme in three ways: 1. The Current Scheme ACGC has discovered that RSPCA is so intent on litter health that farmers are having to rotary hoe their […]

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Local Avian Influenza Outbreak Sparks Review of Biosecurity Agreement

In the wake of the H7 “local” Avian Influenza outbreaks in Vic, NSW and ACT, there has been a rush of bureaucratic survey-taking, and requests for input and opinion, all hoping that meat poultry growers tell government departments how wonderfully they handled the outbreak. Sadly, they are receiving the truth: the good, the bad and […]

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