Biosecurity and quarantine protocols are integral parts of any successful poultry production system and include to those measures taken to prevent or control the introduction and spread of germs to a flock. These germs, whether they cause clinical or subclinical disease can significantly reduce the productivity, profitability and long term financial viability of the poultry industry.
Biosecurity is about managing disease risk, and it is essential that an assessment is conducted for each business at eash level of the whole supply chain to establish what level of risk exists, and to identify and implement control measures appropriate to these levels of risk.
Major routes for disease and germ transmission is through the transfer of birds from hatchery to farm, visitors to the farm including feed trucks, veterinarians, service persons and pick-up crews, and transport from farm to processing plant, along with dead bird and litter (bedding) disposal. Other avenues for transmission are through wild and feral birds, passing traffic, equipment, rodents and insects, air and water supply, feed and litter.
One of the biggest risks in regards to carrying poultry diseases onto chicken farms is people. This can be on their footwear, clothing, hands and vehicles, and even hair and nasal passages. Growers implement a number of measures to minimise these risks- which is why you are not allowed to visit or enter farms without permission.

The National Farm Biosecurity Manual for Poultry Production applies to commercial chicken meat farms from the time of delivery of birds until pick-up, slaughter or disposal of birds. The Manual establishes a minimum set of biosecurity standards applicable to all poultry producers.
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